Solectek 3.65 GHz WiMAX
Solectek, a San Diego manufacturer of broadband and public safety wireless equipment, announced the addition of 3.65 GHz WiMAX base stations and subscriber terminals tailored for Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) and municipalities.
“Our 3.65 platform was designed from the ground up for small to mid-size WISPs”, said Dr. Eric Lee, CEO for Solectek. Industry research firms believe the market for 3.65 GHz is poised for growth.
“There has been strong interest on the part of carriers and vendors in the 3.65 GHz band since the FCC rulings,” said Adlane Fellah, CEO and Founder of Maravedis, Inc. “The 3.65 GHz market enables manufacturers such as Solectek and other BWA vendors the opportunity to leverage much of their investment in 3.5 GHz products by introducing a slightly modified WiMAX platform for the U.S. and other markets where 3.5 cannot be deployed. The 3.65 GHz band can fill a void, especially in rural areas not served or under-served by other broadband services providers.”
Monica Paolini of Senza Fili Consulting added: “The FCC’s decision to use a non-exclusive shared use licensing scheme for the 3.65 GHz band, combined with a fast and affordable license registration process, has created a unique opportunity for small to mid-size service providers to expand their business cost effectively and to protect their investment.”
Solectek’s 3.65 GHz system competes with other 3.65GHz products from Alvarion, Airspan and Redline Communications.

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