UMA to Support Upcoming 3G Dual-Mode Handset and Femtocell Deployments
US : UMA Today announced that the 3GPP standards body completed a specification update effort last week that added 3G (Iu-interface) support to the UMA/GAN standard. With the 3G version of the 3GPP UMA/GAN standard now complete, the vendor community is rapidly developing UMA-based 3G dual-mode handset and femtocell products in anticipation of operator service deployments later this year.
“Operators and vendors alike have recognized the need for standardization to drive mass-market femtocell network deployments,” said Stéphane Téral, principal analyst for Infonetics Research. “The addition of Iu interface support to the UMA/GAN standard is an important step in supporting in-home 3G service delivery.”
“Completion of the 3G UMA standard could not be timelier, with strong operator demand for both 3G dual-mode handset and femtocell services,” said Patrick Tao, vice president of technology for Kineto. “The vendor community is also preparing to deliver UMA-based 3G solutions. In the dual-mode handset market, we’ve seen recent announcements about UMA-enabled 3G dual-mode handset platforms from both Qualcomm and NXP. And in the femtocell market, NEC, Motorola, Ubiquisys and Netgear have all announced UMA-based solutions as well as trials with O2 and Telia.”
About UMA/GAN Technology
UMA technology is the 3GPP global standard for fixed-mobile convergence. Known as GAN within 3GPP, UMA/GAN enables secure, scalable access to mobile voice, data and IMS services over broadband IP access networks. By deploying UMA/GAN technology, mobile operators can deliver a number of compelling fixed-mobile convergence services. The most well-known applications of UMA/GAN include dual-mode cellular/Wi-Fi handsets and 3G femtocells access points. Leading operators around the world have embraced UMA/GAN technology as the foundation for their fixed-mobile convergence strategy, including Orange/France Telecom, British Telecom, T-Mobile US, TeliaSonera, Netcom, Ono, Saunalahti and Cincinnati Bell.
About UMA Today
UMA Today is an international consortium of companies joined together to lead the adoption of 3GPP UMA/GAN Technology around the world. UMA Today publishes the UMA Today Magazine, maintains the UMA Today website, hosts Webinars and is involved in other industry activity to promote UMA technology. For more information, please visit

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